This is a worldbuilding project, not a singular story. All of the disturbing, upsetting, or infuriating injustices of our world take place in this one; along with horrors unseen by the likes of the real world. Heavy topics will not be omitted or shied away from. Viewer discretion is advised.You have been warned.
What is Enderplane?
An Overview; worldbuilding project by Charlie "Visceracture" M. & Max B.
Co-writers for smaller portions of the project will be credited in the sections they have worked on.
LAST UPDATED 01/19/2025
The basics
"Enderplane" refers to the dimension that contains the version of Earth you are familiar with, after the dimensional fusion of 2052In this new world, we see the effects of this fusion on all walks of life, and upon the very DNA of every living organism for centuries to come.
Starting points
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The fusion of 2052
Enderplane is the combination of a parallel dimension (that humans have made many names for), and our own dimension. this fusion happened in 2052, changing the way in which physics affect the universe.This sister/parallel dimension is most commonly called "Below", but is sometimes called Hell, The Underworld, and other religious names as the place shares many parallels with afterlife locations in existing (pre-2052) human religions.Below is the non-religious name for this parallel dimension, it is called this due to the way humans tend to perceive the dimension as being physically below or underneath their own. When portals to this place are opened, they tend to default to a horizontal position, appearing similar to a hole in the ground.In the year of 2052, the beings dwelling within the parallel "Below" dimension made the conscious decision cause the dimensional fusion via unknown means. These beings are reported as "godlike" and outside of human comprehension. There is no official name for these beings, though they are commonly called "demons" due to the physical forms they may take appearing monsterous or 'demonic' to many humans.This fusion caused an unknown force to begin acting on earth, as well as the rest of our dimension. This force has been dubbed M.I.I.R. (Maleable Irregular Interdimensional Radiation).
[Information coming soon]
The landscape of enderplane
The landscape of post-fusion earth can vary greatly, as MIIR has heavily impacted the way natural phenomena play out. Many areas appear exactly as they did in The Old World, while others may appear to be from an alien planet.This is largely dependant on the amount of MIIR distributed across the landscape. MIIR clings to some materials more than others, and as such will cause far more of it's effects on the land the more concentrated it is.
In places such as the Mysttwoods (Located in modern-day central America), the concentration of MIIR has caused life to become so specialized that simply breathing air outside of this region can be toxic to them. While in other regions such as Renile (Located in modern day northern Canada), which remain mostly unchanged by MIIR due to having large subterranian ore veins which absorb it and prevent it from wreaking havoc on the the environment. Places such as this still host familiar life, and are home to the last surviving populations of homo sapiens, as they are at a disadvantage in most other regions.[more information coming soon]
More about MIIR
MIIR is commonly called "magic" as the way it behaves is similar to magic in pop culture of the old world. It is a vaguely understood form of radiation, the word MIIR (Most commonly pronounced “Meir”) is an acronym, which stands for Malleable Irregular Interdimensional Radiation. It can be influenced by other forms of radiation, such as light and sound. The most useful way to influence it is done with one's own thoughts, through use of the language coditore, which has no spoken form comprehensible to humans.
MIIR Coditore was taught to humans by "demons" a couple hundred years after the fusion of 2052, between the centuries of 2200 and 2400, before this point any deliberate use of MIIR was crude and based off of pure emotion alone. This form of use is often detrimental to the user and may cause blood vessels in the brain to rupture.
MIIR is often completely unseen, it exists similarly to known forms of radiation, and is imperceptable to human eyes. It however, can be felt. Those who go from an area with low ambient MIIR levels to an area with high ambient MIIR levels often report feeling a buzzing throughout their body, particularly in their chest cavity and in their teeth.
When MIIR is seen, it near always displays and iridescent sheen, similar to the sheen seen on oil spills in water. MIIR can be seen in the air under certain lighting conditions, the light waves interacting with it in a way that causes it to become visible. This happens most often on cloudy days. As seen here, a cloudy day in the highlands of Sia’nor.

Another way MIIR can be seen is when it solidifies, or crystalizes.
This happens when MIIR is very concentrated in a specific location for an extended period of time. MIIR crystals will form from whatever substance the concentrated MIIR is moving through. The substance that the MIIR crystal was created inside of will determine it's properties.
MIIR Crystal Material vs Properties
Material | Properties |
Granite, quartz or other hard stones | Generally will be very hard and sturdy, takes take a long time to properly form and are decently hard to find and create. Similar to blue opal in appearance, and holds a long-lasting & steady MIIR charge, it will give off energy for far longer than other crystals of its size. |
Air (and most gases) | Forms very very quickly, generally is a side effect of incredibly powerful MIIR code use. These crystals are very brittle, but release a high level of energy over a very short period of time. They are very prone to heating up and breaking. |
Living Flesh | When crystals form within the tissues of living creatures it is referred to as MIIR cancer. Most often, this happens to people who perform MIIR codes often, usually it will cluster in the brain, eyes, spine, hands, and forearms; but it varies from individual to individual. These crystals are generally very small given that they are often removed before they are allowed to grow large. If a MIIR cancer crystal is given the oppertunity to grow to a sizeable weight it behaves similarly to a stoneformed crystal, only with far greater energy output. These crystals are usually moderately durable. These crystals will generally have a more red iridescence to them. |
Bone | Very similar properties to fleshformed crystals, only these are far more durable and take a much longer time to form, they are prized as one of the best materials to be used in creating MIIR powered weaponry. |
Wood & other plant matter | Woodformed crystals only appear under very specific circumstances. They are very similar in properties to boneformed and fleshformed crystals, though they take much longer to form and mature. |
Jinuzium | By far the most rare and sought-after, these crystals can only form naturally inside volcanos near particularly dense hotspots of MIIR. Jinucrystals are liquid, even when brought to room tempature, they remain in liquid state. They are created by heating Jinuzium to it's boiling point for a prolonged period of time using continuous MIIR exposure. This can be done manually using MIIR codes, but it is incredibly taxing on the body and will cause the one doing it severe damage well before they succeed. |
There are many more examples, these are just the most well-known
The evolution of the subphylum lynidae
Lynidae is the catchall scientific name for any lifeform that fits the following criteria;
Ancestors were created during a splice between a being from Below and an earth creature. These splicing experiments were done by beings originating from Below.
Has two bodies, (a primary form and a secondary form) and one soul. Lynidae can switch between these two bodies at will, the unused one remains in a pocket dimension created during the splicing experiments conducted by the inhabitants of Below that took place shortly after the Fusion of 2052.
The primary form of a lynidae is simply the form that they are born in, the secondary form forms via unknown means in the pocket dimension during the first stages of life, and once it is fully developed the lynidae gains the ability to shift forms at will.The most well known species of lynidae are those that are hyperintellegent, and feed on humans, hominocarnivores, such as Jackolynidae Homivescor, or Sivelynidae Occasiosegnis, and many others that have evolved and died out over the centuries. Hundreds of unclassified species of lynidae exist throughout the planet, and possibly on other planets as well. Many have each form adapted for a specific purpose. For example, many non-hostile lynidae have a secondary form that is much smaller than their primary form, which aids the animal in mobility, allowing them to reach places they would be unable to do whilst in primary form. Oceanic lynidae may have a form that is able to fly as to escape aquatic predators, or a form that is intended to attract prey, such as the aforementioned Jackolynidae Homivescor, who's secondary form is quite similar to humans, and is used as a lure. More information on this specifically can be found hereLynidae evolved very early after the fusion, only taking around a thousand years to diversify and thrive on nearly all continents. This extremely fast development is completely due to the effect of MIIR on evolution.
A breif history of hominocarnivores, and the ecological niche of hominocarnivore
Hominocarnivore - a hyper carnivore which has adapted to feed near solely on humansThe ecological niche of hominocarnivore appeared shortly after the Fusion of 2052. As human society began to break down, and the DNA of all lifeforms became far more prone to benificial mutation. These two factors created the selective pressure for the first hominocarnivores to evolve, terrifyingly fast, taking only around five generations to become significantly different from their ancestors.The first hominocarnivores were descendants of domestic dogs, and common city pests such as rats, monkeys and raccoons. This pattern of evolution generally involves the animal becoming larger in size, but small enough to easily navigate cities. Hominocarnivores such as the set of species descended from macaques, adapted specialized jaws which open wide enough to fit an adult human head, along with uneaven spike-like teeth designed for breaking the skull with little effort.One of the most well-known hominocarnivores are jackolynidae homivescor, a lynidae species which matches humans in both intelligence and physical form, their secondary form being a sort of lure, which resembles a human. They are not indistinguishable from humans (and their subspecies) however, as they possess distinctive eyes, and a more reptilian jaw structure. They do not use their lure form for feeding, although they can eat things while in both forms, they generally use their larger primary form for feeding.
History of and Societal impact of jackolynidae
Jackolynidae, "hellhounds" have their most concentrated population in the region of Bimrid. Their evolution was directly caused by humans in Renile driving the ancestors of jackolyns; archolyns, from their home in the northern reaches of the region. Archolyns were solitary, solidly built lynidae, with a thick coat of fur, specialized for living in the arctic woodlands and tundras, feeding on animals that have only changed marginally from the way they were in the Old World.

Archolyns, being forced to move into a more southern area with more humanfolk, had to adapt to the new food source. Living near cities and specializing in feeding on their human inhabitants. Over the centuries, this selective pressure favored more long and flexible individuals that could fit inside human buildings.Jackolyns have impacted the way society in these southern regions functions as a whole, in many of the city states of Mengseck, jackolyns are ousted and not allowed in cities, and if they are, they are kept under the watchful eye of law enforcement, or the citizens themselves at all times. Jackolyns found in Hytheport or any of the larger cities are often captured and shipped off to Bimrid, assuming they have not harmed anyone yet. If the lyn has killed, eaten, or maimed a person, the individual will generally be executed. There are specialized jobs for people who go out of their way to hunt down and kill jackolyns, dubbed Houndhunters, they are employed by the government in various city states around the country. Many of which are paid based on how many jackolyns they are able to kill and/or capture.
Sharing a border with Bimrid, the Mengsecki population hears of the terrible conditions in a country ruled by jackolyns, and fears this for their own home, hence their strict policies involving jackolyns living on their land, even if they do so peacefully and do not harm people.In Bimrid, the living situation of jackolyns is very different. They are widely considered to be the dominant species, and are viscerally hated and feared by the humanfolk population. Humans still outnumber jackolyns in Bimrid, but not enough to the point of being able to drive them out or fight back in any meaningful way.
Humans who have lived in Bimrid are often described as flighty, anxious, and always on edge, ready to teleport or run if needed. Mental health issues are incredibly prevalent in residents of the region simply because of the stress of growing up with the constant looming fact that you are prey, knowing something could go horribly wrong at any moment.
Children are often taught to identify and fear jackolyns incredibly young, using various nursery rhymes and bedtime stories to introduce such a horrid topic in a less scary way. It isn't uncommon to find children's books mentioning what to do if a hellhound enters your home, or if one attempts to speak to you outside.
It is in every sense of the phrase, an everyday part of life for Bimridan citizens. From childhood, up through adolescent years, to adulthood and later; they live in close proximity to predators specialized to kill and devour them.Despite all this, jackolynidae are still sentient, and still able to be reasoned with, albeit their social structure and learned superiority complex makes this difficult. Some individuals live peacefully within human society and feed on animal flesh rather than humanfolk, which is frowned upon and seen with disgust among more traditionally behaving jackolyns. Within their own social norms, jackolyns are very patriarchal, and see their own species as superior to humanfolk as well as to other lynidae. Any who rebel against these ideals are met with disgust and shame, and often violence.
A less peaceful way of rebelling against these norms is cannibalism. Among traditional jackolyns, canibalism is seen as a disgusting and heanous act, while in the rebellious minority, it is seen as the ultimate act of renouncing your own blood.
Human evolution
After the fusion, human society collapsed, without the protection of technological advancements and infrastructure, humans began to genetically diverge, becoming distinct from one another over thousands of years.Some of the first variations of humans were homo quadmanus, a four-armed human variant which originated in what is currently Russia. Homo quadmanus is unique among human subspecies, in that they were genetically engineered by humans in order to replace the small population in Russia, as it was becoming inhospitable for Old world humans to survive. The population was not adapting fast enough. Due to the threat if impending extinction (in that region) the local scientific community developed a method of horizontal gene transfer given to those willing to take it as a pill, the effect of which would be to ensure their offspring would be born with the traits of this newly engineered human subspecies.
The most notable trait of this subspecies of human would be the second working set of forearms connected to the body below the original set, more towards the back, giving a wider range of motion. The most useful trait however, was the natural antifreeze in their blood, heightened ability to resist hypothermia, and the ability to hibernate. Homo quadmanus are often still referred to as humans, as are most human subspecies. Homo quadmanus are also referred to as spiderfolk, quadmans, or quemans.A later descendant of homo quadmanus is homo tenvis, a thin and lightweight human variant which are generally referred to as Elves, due to their large and movable ears being similar to elves in Old World pop culture. Elves have reduced secondary arms, which are rotated around to their backs partially, and act as balancing limbs, allowing them to grab and hang on at nearly any angle. Their legs have reverted to a digitigrade state, allowing for a more springy jump and faster movement, at the cost of their balance.
Notably, homo tenvis possess prehensile tails, similar to that of monkies, having re-evolved tails due to their lifestyle of living in skypilliar trees and other incredibly tall structures where a prehensile tail is incredibly useful to them. This lineage would later branch off into both H. volitilis, fairies, and H. calaecus, the eyelessFurther branching from homo tenvis occurred with the rise of homo volitillis, or "fairies", the only human descendant capable of powered flight. Their wings consist of keritin, growing from the modified secondary set of arms from their ancestors. These wings are essentially massive and incredibly strong fingernails, the flesh and bone of the finger growing inside them rather than underneath them. Their wings are vaguely buglike, but very distinctly not insectoid upon closer inspection. The wing itself lacks nerve endings, and cannot feel pain. They continue to grow throughout their lifespan, and must be trimmed into shape every few months.There are hundreds of genetically distinct subspecies of humans in enderplane (Such as kayodes, giants, nymphs, shellspines, mermaids, sealfolk, the eyeless, antennaeds, snow fairies, and chimeras), the three elaborated on are simply the most well known and widespread of them.
The fusion's effect on human society
The fusion caused the appearance of MIIR throughout the universe, a force that has the ability to seemingly undermine the physics of our world. It caused many existing fringe conspiracy groups to immediately strengthen in numbers considering the appearance of something that undermines most discoveries in relation to physics. It also spawned a number of new groups. Most of which were religious offshoots, and were often cult-like in nature. Distrust of the scientific community extended to the medical establishment, and to the government as a whole. This happened within the first twenty years of the fusion, and would cause the growing unrest to peak resulting in violent worldwide riots that would result in the breakdown of modern human society as we know it.
The nearly worldwide riots of 2071 were not only caused by social unrest, however, as MIIR exposure on the brain has later been documented to cause erratic behavior, and decreased impulse control. This effect is especially prevalent in those who haven't been exposed to it until later in life. This response is further heightened by stress. By this point, infrastructure had been on a steady decline in most urbanized places. Stores often weren't stocked, most buisnesses were struggling or no longer operational considering the mass hysteria and fear caused much of the population to stop going to work.
Human society would continue on like this for the next hundred years, urban areas descending into epicenters of disease and death. There were no public amenities, most services such as waste collection, emergency services, internet acess, and public transit had all but fizzled out.
Many individuals and groups considered this to quite literally be the apocolypse, or the end of humanity. Mass suicides were common during this time period.Within the next hundred years after the fusion, many communities began to distance themselves from urban areas, and reverted to a very basal form of society, focusing on hunting and gathering. The human population was decimated even further during this time period due to most of the population lacking the skills and adaptations required to live this way. Populations of humans were becoming increasingly isolated, many believing themselves to be the last of the human species. Without the internet, television, or radio, mail services, or functional vehicles, it was nearly impossible to know what was outside of your immediate area.This isolation caused the beginnings of neo-human evolution in the form of geographic specieation.
[Information coming soon]
The fusion's effect on evolution
Horizontal Gene Transfer
MIIR is known to cause far higher rates of genetic mutation and anomalies in the populations that are exposed to it. It does so in two ways, one being very similar to how known types of radiation interact with DNA; damaging it, resulting in mutation. With MIIR there is another way in which it causes mutation, that being it’s ability to facilitate otherwise impossible forms of horizontal gene transfer between entirely unrelated species.MIIR-Aided Horizontal Gene Transfer, (MA)HGT, is a naturally occurring phenomenon which causes the genes of one organism to be transferred into another and preserved within that organism. This is called Genetic Inoculation, GI, more specifically (MA)GI. Mutation occurs when the inoculated organism reproduces, and its offspring may display traits from the foreign transferred DNA. More often however, the offspring will simply carry the foreign genetic material and receive no phenotypical changes due to it.(MA)HGT occurs incredibly frequently; (MA)GI occurs most often when an organism is injured, and genetic material from another species makes its way into the tissue. Normally, the body’s immune system would simply attack and consume the foreign material. However, in the presence of MIIR the immune system uses its saved copy of any foreign genetic material and incorporates it into the genome of the host cell. From there the DNA spreads to nearly all different cell types upon division over the course of years. The exact mechanism for how MIIR influences the body to do this is yet unknown.
What does this mean on a larger scale?
The large-scale effect of this is the process of evolution itself speeding up greatly, organisms can speciate in as little as ten generations given proper selective pressure. Another effect of evolution assisted by (MA)GHT is of course, the appearance of organisms that display traits of another species. Now, you may be imagining something such as a wolf with avian wings, or a human with feline ears, however these (MA)GI traits are almost always more subtle, and work in tandem with the existing genetic code. The structures you’re more likely to notice are things such as trees growing leaves and flowers that are from multiple different species, hawks with the coloration of bluejays, or bears with tails. Most of the time, the genetic code will remain dormant and not cause changes, the more distantly related the inserted DNA is, the less likely it will be displayed in the offspring of the organism. You’re far more likely to see crossed traits appear in species genetically similar; but that does not mean it is impossible to see examples of crossed traits from incredibly different species.An example of this is cardiac grass, a type of tall grass native to northern Mengseck. Though, this grass has one key difference from any other plant in the area, that being it contains blood, red and running through each leaf. This grass is also carnivorous, and feeds by stinging any animal who passes through it, filling the unfortunate creature with a potent paralysis agent and neurotoxin which will cause the prey to die within the field, their corpse fertilizing the soil, feeding the cardiac grass.
Cardiac grass is thought to have gained its blood from the DNA of amphibians due to its similarity in genetic makeup. The stingers on the leaves have a structure reminiscent of that of an ant or wasp.Mutations within plants, and fungi are often far more complex and drastic compared to those seen in animals, as large complex mutations to the anatomy are often fatal or detrimental for animals.
More about void and void rot
Void, or voidmatter is a term used to refer to a malleable substance that's true color is incomprehensible to human eyes. It consists of particles smaller than atoms, and appears to be alive. It comes from Below, the sister dimension which fused to our own during the fusion of 2052. Theoretically, voidmatter has the capacity to mimic any material by arranging itself into the atoms & molecules that make up the substance. This has been seen with the example of The Tower Man, who appears to control void. Those who have seen him report that he is able to construct any material in mere seconds, including materials that do not exist.
Pure voidmatter taken directly from Below is not the same as void rot, but was what originally caused the disease to take root at some point during the 25th century.Pure void does not have a smell, nor a texture you are able to properly feel. Observing at it tends to cause confusion and panic in many for unknown reasons. It does not infect those it touches, it simply consumes them, as well as any matter surrounding it. Pure voidmatter has only entered our dimension twice.VOID ROT
is a disease caused by this substance, in which void will enter the boodstream of a non-voiden organism. It is fatal without treatment. Void rot differs from pure void in that it smells of blood and rotting flesh, and has a texture similair to liquid muscle.

Variant | Symptoms |
VR-A | The afflicted are born with it, and they are a carrier of it. Your blood is black and consists of a mixture of void and your biological material. You gain no ill effects from this. The void has essentially acted as a parasite, which has consumed and replaced your blood before you were born. Those harboring VR-A are contagious, but do not transmit VR-A, they transmit one of the other variants. VR-A gives those who have it very limited shape-shifting abilities, they generally have the ability to change the shape of their extremeties via coating them in void. This variety of void rot will consume its host once it senses weakness in the form of an aging vessel. Time until death: ~120 years |
VR-B | The void enters via blood or sexual contact with an infected individual. It infects the bones, transforming your marrow into void, once this is done, the void within your bones begins to spike and harden, breaking every bone in your body and tearing you apart from the inside. This process can be subtle, resulting in a person dropping dead due to their internal injuries, or being literally impaled from the inside on three foot-long voiden spikes growing from inside your bones. Time until death: ~3 days |
VR-C | The void enters via blood or sexual contact with an infected individual. It infects the brain, starting as a headache, progressing to repeated seizures, loss of muscle control, blindness, deafness, shortly following is the loss of all senses, and complete cessation of all brain activity. The body remains alive and breathing but braindead for around 10 minutes while the void takes control of the nervous system. After this point the body will rise again and begin attempting to infect all living creatures around it. Often times growing thick sheaths of void over the fingers that act as claws. As the infection progresses, the body rapidly deforms in order to make its task of spreading the rot more easy. The limbs elongate, more muscle forms, after around three days the skin will have a desaturated grey tone, all the blood having been turned to void. Shortly after this point the afflicted's bones will have been fully infected, and the marrow-turned-void will begin to spike and break the bones of the afflicted. From here the illness progresses the same way a type B infection would, only slower. Time until death: ~3 weeks |
VR-D | The void enters via blood contact only. Type D cannot be transmitted via sexual contact. It spreads from the infection site, turning all flesh into a hardened stone-like form of void. The speed of the infection varies, but it takes far longer that types B & C to kill the afflicted. It essentially slowly transforms you into a voiden statue, taking days, weeks, months, or even years to be completed. This form of infection does not favor certain parts of the body over others, meaning the spread of the infection is consistent and uniform. If you were to cut off the infected area, you'd be cured, albeit unable to regenerate that part of your body, even with the help of MIIR. Time until death: varies greatly |
VR-X | This is the endpoint of most cases of void rot, it takes place after the body has died and the afflicted's soul is now trapped within the void that has consumed their physical body. This void behaves like a slime mold, though it will only consume certain types or organic matter, most of the time, this means animal cells, including those of the dead. As long as it has a consistent source of food, it will continue to branch out and infecting and consuming any animals or people it finds until it no longer has enough energy to persist, at which point, it will slow, and the void will begin to harden, entering a dormant state in which it may look like obsidian. This void can be touched without causing ill effect (if it has been dormant for long enough). It will be reactivated upon contact with an open wound or blood. Time until death: N/A |
VR-E | This is the term used for void rot conditions which are not consistent with any of the four main behavioral types of the infection. VR-E ranges from forms of void which mimic existing diseases, or benign latent forms of void rot which do not spread or cause any ill effect to the afflicted, behaving like a mole or dark patch of skin. VR-E can also be used to describe uncommon combinations of one or more of the main variants of void rot. Such as VR-AC, which can be classified under VR-E considering its rarity. Time until death: varies greatly VR-E is of great interest to ULPRI |
Void rot variants may combine and exibit a mixture of their behaviors. An example of this is VR-BD, a combination of VR-B & VR-D, this form of void rot spreads slowly from a point of injury, but does not spread evenly, it infects the bone marrow of the afflicted, and follows the effects of VR-B, only over a much more prolonged amount of time.
VR-C is by far the most formidable when it comes to spreading and causing outbreaks. VR-C outbreaks are able to decimate entire cities and the surrounding ecosystems in a matter of months. One of the most insidious ways it spreads is by allowing the host to remain partially in control of their actions for the first few hours of the infection, meaning they will likely attempt to go to other people for help and comfort. This is by design, as once the infection progresses, the voidmatter will have a fresh set of targets to infect moments after it takes control of the afflicted's body.

You can semi-easily determine how long someone has been infected with VR-C based on the disease's effect on their eyes. The afflicted person will lose control of their body somewhere between 2-3 hours after infection.
Below, its physics & its inhabitants
Little is known of the mirror dimension Below, other than the fact it exists being common knowledge by the 7000s. Study of the physics of this fused dimension is difficult and often speculative. Almost nothing is known of the lifeforms that inhabit this place, but what is known is that souls of organisms that die will end up passing beyond the dimensional veil and inhabiting this mirror dimension. There is a rumor that The Tower Man has done private studies into Below, using his alleged ability to raise the dead.During the fusion of 2052 and the centuries following, lifeforms from this alien dimension crossed into our dimension. They were described as beings of darkness approximating a vague replication of life on earth, they did not seem to follow the laws of physics, and would morph and shift constantly, without discernible reason. These beings were able to communicate with humans alive during this time period. This method of communication has been described as ‘instinctual’, and ‘telepathic’, they often did not use spoken language, and instead would transmit concepts and ideas into the minds of those they ‘spoke’ to. These early communications are believed to be the origins of humans learning the language commonly called ‘Coditore’, or ‘Demon language’. This is how humans alive in the early centuries after the fusion learned to properly harness the power of ambient MIIR.
These beings passing through the dimensional veil has also been determined to be the starting point of voiden plague on Earth.
Below, its physics & its inhabitants
Little is known of the mirror dimension Below, other than the fact it exists being common knowledge by the 7000s. Study of the physics of this fused dimension is difficult and often speculative. Almost nothing is known of the lifeforms that inhabit this place, but what is known is that souls of organisms that die will end up passing beyond the dimensional veil and inhabiting this mirror dimension.During the fusion of 2052 and the centuries following, lifeforms from this alien dimension crossed into our dimension. They were described as beings of darkness approximating a vague replication of life on earth, they did not seem to follow the laws of physics, and would morph and shift constantly, without discernible reason. These beings were able to communicate with humans alive during this time period. This method of communication has been described as ‘instinctual’, and ‘telepathic’, they often did not use spoken language, and instead would transmit concepts and ideas into the minds of those they ‘spoke’ to. These early communications are believed to be the origins of humans learning the language commonly called ‘Coditore’, or ‘Demon language’. This is how humans alive in the early centuries after the fusion learned to properly harness the power of ambient MIIR.
These beings passing through the dimensional veil has also been determined to be the starting point of voiden plague on Earth.
From research not released to the public, it is known that the physics of the mirror dimension have been reported as 'dreamlike'. Those involved in this research have concluded that the physicalities of this world are constructed directly based on the memories of the souls that have become trapped there. Many locations observed in the mirror dimension seem to be mostly identical to those that have existed on Earth throughout various points in time. These locations are often duplicated, slightly warped and in proximity to other landmarks, items, structures, and organisms that do not make sense. It is as if the afterlife is stitched together from the minds of those who have died.
Terms & meanings
General Terms
- The Old World
- Magic [MIIR]
- Spells [Coditore]
- Fantasiolution
- Jinuzium Metal
- Ingenerotion
- Sack-o-lantern
- Fairies
- Hellhounds
- Kayodes
- Demons
- Shellspines
- Chimerics
- Unclassified Wildlife
- Pixies
- Lynidae
- Coldbloods
- Faiforms
"Enderplane" - Used both to refer to earth post-fusion, and to refer to the universe post-fusion as a whole.
"The Old World" - The name given to Earth pre-fusion
"Shellspines" - Homo durocutis, one of the few non-ingeneroted human subspecies, Shellspines evolved thick scale-like body coverings on select parts of the body for regulating temperature. They are adapted to live in the desert and speciated from an isolated group of humans in what is currently Arizona.
"Chimerics" - There are many unclassified species of human subspecies & hybridizations. The catchall term for any unclassified human species is 'chimera'.
Unclassified Wildlife - There are many unclassified species of animals roaming every part of the globe, due to the isolation of human populations, most of these animals have not been properly documented and studied. There could be anything out there.
Faiforms - This term refers to any human subspecies which is descended from fairies, or has followed a similar evolutionary pathway. Faiforms have six limbs, Two arms, two wings with keratin wing blades, and two legs. Faiforms are typically born with tails, and develop digitigrade legs during early puberty.
The most common faiforms are fairies, kayodes, and pixies.
"Pixies" - H. volitilis vegrandis Pixies are interesting in terms that they have been double ingeneroted over the course of their evolutionary history. Pixies are descended from fairies, an already ingeneroted human subspecies as they are part of the H. quadmanus lineage. Pixies were created from the ingenerotion of fairies, during the 4600s, Europe was beginning to become overcrowded, and human populations were hesitant to move east due to dangerous unmapped land and unclassified wildlife. A solution to this was found in the form of a genetic engineering project that aimed to make people physically smaller in order to take up less space. This project was done by using (MA)HGT. Those who agreed to the program would have their genetic information altered, so their offspring would display the edited traits. These proto-pixies were on average only around 1' tall as adults. From there, their offspring were engineered to be even smaller.On average, adult pixies are roughly 3''-4'' tall. Originally, pixies were simply smaller versions of fairies, but have since evolved notably different anatomy to help adapt to their own position as an incredibly small organism. Pixies have larger eyes in relation to their heads, longer tails, thinner legs, and bigger whiskers. They have also experienced changes to their internal anatomy to deal with their small size.Pixies display a greatly shortened lifespan compared to all other human subspecies, modern pixies only live for around thirty years on average. This is due to their small size and relatively high metabolism. Once this was observed in engineered pixies, the program that created them was promptly stopped. But by this point, pixies had already established themselves and gained a foothold in various regions.
"Coldbloods" - This is the catch-all term for exothermic human subspecies, such as amphiboids and scalefolk. Coldbloods are native to what is currently South America. All coldbloods are non-ingeneroted human subspecies, descended from isolated South American human populations."Scalefolk" - scalefolk, or Homo stilio, seem to have convergently evolved with shellspines, in that they have hard keratin scales in certain parts of the body for protection. The main difference is that scalefolk seem to have scales that are genetically similar to that of reptiles and birds, suggesting the occurrence of (MA)HGT. Scalefolk have also developed thick prehensile tails, which they use to hang onto branches and to whip threats the same way a monitor lizard might."Amphiboids" - Amphiboids, Homo lustrum, are not true amphibians, but got their name due to their coldblood status and prevalence around marshes and swamps. Amphiboids tend to have webbed hands and paddle tails; they are able to absorb oxygen from surrounding water through patches of softer skin in more sensitive areas of their bodies. This allows them to stay submerged for up to hours at a time depending on water condition and individual ability.
"Fairy" - the common name of the human subspecies Homo volitilis, the only one that has developed powered flight. H. volitilis are descended from Homo quadmanus, four armed humans genetically engineered in the country of Russia, in the early centuries after the fusion. In the lineage H. volitilis, the secondary set of forearms have reduced and migrated to the back, the arm joints entirely embedded under the skin. The fingernails have grown into long wing blades, vaguely similar to insectoid wings. The phalanges have adapted to accommodate for larger muscle attachments, these tissues nearly entirely consist of twitch muscles, which can provide an incredible burst of speed and power but tire very quickly.Fairies have developed whiskers along their cheeks, eyebrows, and along their tails in order to more accurately detect changes in wind during flight. Their tails act as a balance as well as being prehensile. Another notable adaptation among fairies is their reflexes. Fairies have a reflex to flap their wings when startled, which can cause them to take flight involuntarily. It's thought that this reflex is a furthering of the reflex to scratch an attacker using enlarged claws possessed by their ancestors.
Gender and sex among fairies - Fairies are what is referred to as a unisexed or monecious species, all fairies have the same sex characteristics, and can reproduce with any other mature member of their species, as well as some other human-subspecies. Fairies tend to have a lower-pitched androgynous voice, flat chests, and slender but curved body types. Fairies are generally referred to as male due to their voices and male-leaning appearance by human standards. However, some fairies wish to be referred to as genderless, or female. Some of these individuals may consider themselves to be transgender.
Reproduction among fairies is markedly different from that of other human subspecies, as fairies give birth prematurely, the embryo and all the nutrients it will need to develop is encased inside the placenta, which has developed a thick protective skin. Essensially, it works the same way a bird or reptile egg does. This adaptation is due to the slendering of H. volitilis bodies as they adapted to make powered flight possible. Their incredibly skinny and fragile form makes it impossible to carry a fetus this large to term without serious damage to the body, and a severe detrement to the parent's ability to fly.The term "
"Lyn" - Shorthand for lynidae, usually used to refer to jackolynidae homivescor or another hominocarnivorous species of lynidae, but is often used in the context of any clade of lyn in a scientific setting.
"Jackolyn" - Shorthand for jackolynidae homivescor. This form of shorthand (that being "[prefix]lyn") is often used to refer to many kinds of species of lynidae without saying the whole scientific name, examples being "Audolyn", "Sivelyn", "Hydralyn", etcetera.
"Hellhound" - Slang for jackolynidae homivescor, in reference to their violent nature, unsettling vaguely canine appearance. Considered offensive by some. Used most often by those in Bimrid and Renile
"Werewolf" - Slang for jackolynidae homivescor, in reference to their ability to shift between a humanoid and a beast form. More often used among Mengsecki folk.
"Shapeshifter" - Slang for all lynidae, and used very widely.

"Kayodes" / "Kaeyodes" / "The Kae" / "Wood fairies" - This lineage is a branch off of fairies. Right after the species developed flight, they began to spread out a lot more from where they first evolved, that being the east coast. Kayodes evolved from a population of fairies that moved out west to escape the threat of the hellhounds, before they took control of the country and made leaving near impossible.
The reason everyone didn't just do this to begin with is because further west the woods get incredibly thick and full of a lot of things that will kill you, and very little civilization. You need to be an excellent survivalist or you will die.
Kayodes quickly devoloped to be physically larger (averaging around 8'), stronger to help them hunt for food, slowly going from an omnivorous species to an omnivorous carnivorous one. Their increased weight caused them to develop wings that are distinct from their homo volatilis cousins. In homo volitillis, the thumb and pointer finger of the secondary arms are the base of the main wings. In kayodes, it's the thumb, pointer, and middle fingers, giving them six full sized wings instead of four like common fairies.
They developed longer claws on their feet and hands for helping them hang onto branches, considering they are far from being the top predator of their biome. Most large predators hunt on the ground, an easy way to avoid them is to go up.
Kayodes have developed their own cultural set of beliefs, most of which revolve around living in ways that do not harm the natural world. The specific rules may differ between groups, but many aren't allowed to kill trees, and to do so is comparable to murder in their society. A lot of clans closer to large cities refuse to use plastic or harsh chemicals or medicines other than MIIR healing and natural antiseptics found by foraging.
They don't have a god, but they do hold a deep reverence for the environment they live in, they hold genuine respect for all life, despite being near obligate carnivores. When killing they are merciful and quick, and do not see a difference between their own lives and that of animals. Their evolution has reflected their merciful style of killing, as they have a powerful venom used to incapacitate prey painlessly and in seconds via grooved fangs and venom glands along their top gums. The venom itself isn't fatal, and is a sedative & nervous system depressant. They see killing animals as necessary murder essentially. They absolutely will kill and eat a human, or even a member of their own species, depending on context.
It's from this where they get negatively stereotyped as cold-hearted killers and cannibals. Needless to say they don't like this and consider most humans to be worse considering they kill and eat animals without needing to or seeing their lives as equal in value to their own.
The name kayode comes from the name of the fairy who lead the charge to leave Bimrid to escape the growing threat of hellhounds; Taine Kay, or Taine Kae, the actual spelling of his name was lost to time as the story was told mostly via verbal retellings. Kayode, Kaeode, & Kaeyode are all correct spellings. This exidous was about when the government was completely overtaken by hellhounds, and they stripped all legal protections from non-lynidae, and began the public human meat trade.
"Magic" - Slang for MIIR, used in both casual language and formal language, though less so in the later. More information.
"Crude Magic" - Use of MIIR without using Coditore, rather using sheer force of will. This usage of MIIR causes damage to one's brain.
Related: Coditore, More about MIIR
"Spell" - Refers to a written or applied MIIR code, it can be used by simply focusing on and/or memorizing the symbols used to construct it.
"Coditore" - language of thought used to "cast spells". It is the proper term for the language used to control MIIR using only one's mind.
"MIIR Code" - written version of a "spell" in Coditore, it can be used by simply focusing on and/or memorizing the symbols used to construct it.
Pictured below, are a few common code segments, these ones are basic, and used in many different varieties of codes. which have a broad array of effects.

None of these pictured code segments have any effect on their own, save for light and heat, which will both work without a directional nor a target.
An important note is that Coditore does not cleanly translate to any human language. These segments are labeled in English based on the observed effect they have when they are incorporated into a MIIR code. Many of these segments have a different effect dependant on which other segments they are paired with, and in which orientation.
To create a MIIR code with an effect, you must combine these segments in the correct orientation. This is easier said than done, as it is unclear what the rules of constructing functional MIIR codes are, most commonly used codes were created via trial and (often deadly) error.
For a MIIR code to be functional, it must have the following;
A set of effects, examples of this are
Either a target or a directional. Targeting notations include
Targeting Segment | Meaning |
Visual | This refers to any target that you can either visually perceive or otherwise actively detect via any of your sences at the time of performing the MIIR code. |
Recall | This refers to any target that you can remember, this type of targeting often has unseen limitations. |
Contact | This refers to a target you must be actively touching at the time of performing the MIIR code. |
More complex forms of targetting will refer to very specific types of targets, such as DNARef
These are often used in more complex codes, generally ones used for repairing living tissue, or using MIIR as a catalyst for chemical reactions in advanced utility codes.
Pictured below are a few common medical code segments.

"Demon" - used to refer to beings native to Below, and descendants and/or creations of those beings. They are called demons due to their vague similarity to biblical demons and angels.
"Elder Demon" - Specifically used to refer to interdimensional beings that live in Below. Not much is known of these creatures, and they are thought to be immortal. They have impeccable control over both void and MIIR, and these individuals are documented to have taught rudimentary Coditore to the humans that survived the Fusion of 2052.
"Ender Demon" - Specifically used to refer to those with void rot type-A, VR-A.
Both "Ender Demon" & "Elder Demon" are archaic terms that have gone out of use by roughly the 32nd centry. Aside from use by ULPRI
"Fantasiolution" - the process of pop culture, religion, & society directly impacting human evolution. For example a lot of the human subspecies have pointy ears because people found it cool considering it looks like elf ears. And thus the trait was perpetuated.
"Ingenerotion" - the evolutionary term for when a species has been genetically altered by intelligent life during its evolutionary past. An example of a ingeneroted species is that of quadmen, four-armed human subspecies with naturally occurring antifreeze in their blood. They were created via a genetic engineering program by humans to avoid extinction in colder climates. All human subspecies descended from quadmans are considered to be ingeneroted as well.
"Jinuzium" - A metal that absorbs MIIR, it appeared during the fusion of 2052 and has an unknown origin. Jinuzium is a very hard and dense metal, with a slight green tint. When it absorbs MIIR, it is converted into heat, causing the metal to heat up. It is often used to create restraint devices that prevent those they are applied to from using MIIR codes.
Iridizul - The cintry that encompasses the entirety of what is currently South Africa.Iridizul is commonly referred to as a 'cintry', a combination of the words country and city, to signify that the entirety of it has been fully urbanized. Iridizul is by far the most technologically advanced nation by the 8400's, they have created such advances in MIIR-aided technology such as the ability to grow buildings from aerocrystals. Personal flying vehicles, advanced computer-esque tech, and warp gate bays acting as public transit are common sights. The cintry itself is multi-layered, having up to five cities built on top of one another in certain locations. Cybernetic body modification is common. Compared to the other locations, Iridizul is nearly alien. The main language spoken in Iridizul is a hybrid language between French and Zulu, and is simply referred to as Iridizuli.
Mengseck - The country encompassing most of the modern day USA, covering most of the west coast, all of the midwest, south, and some sections of Canada.
It is comprised of many small independent city states and independent villages which are connected via trade and have all agreed to live without conflict with one another. Many of these city states have completely distinct laws and customs, the largest of which is Hytheport, what residents consider to be the unofficial capital of Mengseck because of it's sheer size and influence. Hytheport is located along what is known today as the Mississippi River.
Mengseck is home to the skypilliar forests, an ecosystem born of MIIR influence. Skypilliar trees, descendants of redwoods that get to be nearly three times the size, tower over the more typical sized woodland creating a secondary canopy. Because of this, the woods have earned the name of Evershade, Nightwood, and variants of it. At night the woods are known for being pitch black, difficult to see through even for those gifted with night vision.
Bimrid - The country encompassing the enirety of the east coast of the modern day US.
It exists in a state of chaotic anarchy, while society tries again and again to reform in a meaningful way, the cities are dirty and unwelcoming. Their capital, Metidoris, built on the ruins of New York City, is one of the most dangerous places in the country. With a high population of jackolyns, monsters, and a high rate of disease, the city is incredibly unsafe. The buildings are decaying and often fall, the only repairs being done by individuals who have taken up residence in certain parts.
Rust tinges the air red, and the smell of death radiates for miles around the capital city.
Jackolyns are allowed to live freely and feed on humans due to there being no infrastructural protections against them. The disturbing phenomena of jackolyn-run human meat farms, as well as kidnappings, the selling of fresh corpses & live humans at auction, are a common sight in this province.
Renile - The country encompassing most of modern day Canada and portions of the US.
It is a Christian authoritarian nation, and one of the first to spring back from the metaphorical ashes from the fusion of 2052. The population is low, and mostly consists of Old World humans, homo sapiens, any other subspecies of human is seen as an abomination, and treated as such. Often referred to as demons or creatures, cast out of cities or even killed. This is in addition to racism, homophobia, and sexism which is prevalent here.
After the fusion, Renile was last remaining stronghold for human kind, those who live there believing the fusion to be a punishment from God. Their laws are built around this, believing they must prove themselves worthy of heaven. Their society is based in faith, Church and state are one in the same, and come with all the biases one may expect.
The Forest of Mystt / Blackwoods / Hissing Grove - The largely unmapped land between the country of Sia'Nor & Taizil (Modern day Central America)
This area is one of the most dangerous natural landscapes on the planet. The defining characteristic of this stretch of wilderness is the megaflora, ebonsilk trees. Ebonsilk trees are massive leathery tree-like animals, they appear to have both plant & animal DNA, but function similarly to an advanced fungus.
Ebonsilk trees are a very dark violet, nearly black, with small bioluminescent nodules around the trunk. These are eyes. Every tree is connected via their underground root system, and they all share resources. These trees have shaped the landscape by releasing an opaque black gas. Ebonsilk mist is breathable, but you cannot see through it, even with the brightest light. This has caused the wildlife in this region to become incredibly specialized, most of which no longer have functional eyes, instead most lifeforms have some form of echolocation or antennae. Of those lifeforms that do possess eyes, they are the result of direct DNA transfer between the ebonsilk trees.
The reason this forest is sometimes referred to as 'The Hissing Grove' is because, upon injury, the ebonsilk trees in the surrounding radius will begin to hiss, alerting the forest's predatory animals to your location. The trees and animals live in a symbiotic relationship; that being, the trees alert predators to the location of prey, and the predators protect the trees from further harm.
Ebonsilk tree skin is prized for its MIIR-reflective qualities, when struck with MIIR, it simply bounces off, only entering through select locations on the tree's skin. This is thought to be a defense mechanism against the development of MIIR cancer, something which plagues many long-lived lifeforms. This ebonsilk skin is incredibly valuable due to its use in crafting MIIR-resistant battle equipment.
The Eyeless - The only human residents who call this region home are The Eyeless, a largely undocumented human subspecies which has evolved to live within the forest. As you may guess by their name, they lack eyes. These people possess almost flowerlike antennael appendages which sprout from their orbits, using optical nerves to transmit sensory information.
Very little is known about the Eyeless and their culture, it is known that they have their own language, and most of the time they only wear body coverings to protect vital areas while out of their settlements. they have no cultural distaste for nudity. Because of this, most sightings of the Eyeless at the edges of the forest report them being nude, and with skin so pale it is transparent in certain areas, you can clearly see their bones and internal organs, giving them an appearance many would find ghostly and disturbing.
Sia'Nor - The very sparsely populated country south of Mengseck, Southern Sia'Nor is nearly uninabitded due to its close proximity to The forest of Mystt
The main language spoken here is a variant of Spanish, though the isolation and combination with other languages has made the language develop many different variants compared to the more common type spoken in parts of Mengseck.
Borrowed Time
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Killer's Diary
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Rishter (reocurring character) tattooed his balls completely orange and put a scary face on them. He calls his nuts his sack-o-lantern